Malware Analysis 101
What is Malware Analysis?
Malware analysis is the study of the unique features, objectives, sources, and potential effects of harmful software and code, such as spyware, viruses, malvertising, and ransomware. It analyzes malware code to understand how it varies from other kinds.
In this post, we will only have headlines and some of malware techniques which will not go further for Reverse Engineering part.
Static Analysis
- Check Strings in file (exe/bin)
- Strings
- PeStudio
- Check OS Malicious Calls
- Regshot
- Wireshark & Protocol Analysis
- INetsim/FakeDns
Reverse Engineering for Malware Capabilities
- Loops (for/while/do-while)
- If-else conditions/case
- prologue/eplogue
- Windows Api Calls
- Malicious malware calls
Malicious document analysis
- pdfid
- Office and VBA (OLE/Zip(OOXML(OLE)))
- VBA dump
- OLE dump
- JS Analysis
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